Digital Printing

One of our core applications that can really make a difference to your fit out!

Digital printing has truly come into its own, especially when dealing with large surfaces. Transform your space with us today!

Commi | Christchurch NZ

Commi transports your eating experience to Vietnam and beyond, all except the numbers of people and the oppressive heat!


Art Fetiche installed a number of outstanding artworks, designed in conjunction with Fane Robinson from Ngai Tahu and the City Council.

Joe’s Garage

Art Fetiche have created the Joe's Garage environment that we've come to know. With industrial 'garage' feel, it is fast becoming an iconic cafe in many New Zealand cities.


Art Fetiche worked with the team to create a unique, inspirational backdrop to this one off fit out. Great images on steroids with stunning digital printing and effects!

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We like dreaming, scheming, and we're great at theming! Call us up and see if we can help you make the next step to anything but ordinary!
