Matatiki Hornby Centre

Digitally printed window designs provided by Riki Manuel circle the exterior of the facility alongside vapour blasting concrete walls

Cantab Gourmet Chicken

Cantab Gourmet Chicken

Interior, exterior, walls, logo design, adding windows and appliances, digital branding, and more, a shop in need of a rebrand quickly turned into something polished and exceeding expectations.

Bus Exchange

Working with an artist designs Art Fetiche helped sandblast the dynamic designs into the paving with our vapour blasting techniques at the Christchurch Bus Exchange


Art Fetiche installed several outstanding artworks, designed in conjunction with Fayne Robinson from Ngai Tahu and the City Council.


Art Fetiche worked with the team to create a unique, inspirational backdrop to this one off fit out. Great images on steroids with stunning digital printing and effects!



Commi takes you on a culinary journey through Vietnam and beyond, without the heat and crowds.

TimeZone Mini Bowling


This is a celebration of the way different types of lighting can be used to create an exciting atmosphere in a game and cafe space.

Start a project

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Let us join the conversation and see what we can create together
